Tuesday 29 March 2011

Evaluation - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learned much from the process of constructing the product, the main skills being how to edit and how to maintain a blog. Before the final piece, I did not have a great deal of experience dealing with the software involved in editing. However over the course of creating the clip of film, I grew familiar with the program, being able to use far more advanced editing techniques to accomplish the simpler tasks. This is turn allowed us to have more dynamic cuts, and a more accurate soundtrack for our piece. I also learned the process and necessities of maintaining an active blog, which actually proved extremely useful in the sense of documenting any work required, keeping on top of the task at hand. As a secondary advantage from the blog, it made it possible to make organisational tasks far easier, as the group could each access the singular blogs, checking if there were any new schedules or plans to consider.

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